Say hello to Nadine, a 'receptionist' at Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore). She is friend... [查看全文]
Transmissible cancers -- cancers which can spread between individuals by the transfer of living cancer cells -... [查看全文]
Qing Dynasty 清朝 Culture in the Ming Dynasty and the QingDynasty 明清文化 During the Ming and the Qi... [查看全文]
Failed to earn himself credits as a member of royalfamily before coming to power, together with hisordinary c... [查看全文]
Although resting content with retaining sovereign inthe south, rulers of the Eastern Jin did plan torecover th... [查看全文]
This week, a group of men have reportedly been handing out fat-shaming cards to women on the London Undergr... [查看全文]
今天,介绍几个简单的、与雾霾有关的英文词语:1.雾霾——haze和 smoghaze和smog是最常用的形容雾霾的词语,与thick(厚的)、dense(稠密... [查看全文]
看到可爱的熊猫宝宝,或者小猫、小狗的图片,大家都会忍不住感叹好萌,好可爱,而且可能还会加一些声调和语气来强调对这些小动物萌态的... [查看全文]
圣诞节对不同的人有不同的意义。有些人最喜欢的是收到礼物,但对于其他一些人来说是装扮圣诞老人来帮助那些穷困、年老和孤独的人们。《... [查看全文]