Forget glugging countless glasses of water or gettingyour beauty sleep. The secret of looking young issimply t... [查看全文]
港式婚姻 已婚却分居 Hong Kong cost of living forces married couples into separate beds Jim and Grace Lai, a... [查看全文]
No reasonable person would claim that theintegration of Muslims into western societies iswithout problems. As the ... [查看全文]
Guo Shoujing (1231~1316) was a Chineseastronomer, engineer, and mathematician.郭守敬(1231~1316),天文学家、数学家。His gr... [查看全文]
Romance 说起romance,你一定会浮想联翩,这是一个年轻男女们都很喜欢的字眼,你知道这个字是怎么来的吗? 说起来romance和罗马(R... [查看全文]
下面这些句子用词不复杂,句式也很简单,但它们的具体意思你却不一定能一眼就看出来。来试试看吧~ 1. As luck would have it,... [查看全文]
怎样给自己起一个既好听又不俗气的英文名呢?下面就由小编教大家几招!方法1、英文名最好与中文名发音一致,如:郑丽丽Lily Zheng杨 俊June... [查看全文]
The origin of Santa ClausThere was once an old man, whose name was Nicholas, who loved to help poor people in... [查看全文]
【有关3.15消费者权益日的英语词汇】 1、消费者:consumer 2、消费的:consumptive 3、消费主义:consumerism 4、消费... [查看全文]
1) people: 作人讲时,是集合名词,表复数概念。说一个人时,不用 people。当表示两个以上的人时,可用 people。如:twenty peopl... [查看全文]