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  1. I trust you  1. 我信任你  There is nothing as nice as hearing someone tell you they trust you. This i... [查看全文]


  Love plays a pivotal role on our life. Love makes you feelwanted. Without love a person could go hayward an... [查看全文]


  Is it worth it? Hand-balancing  双手倒立平衡有好处吗?  What is it? Handstands, basically.  这是什么?可以说是双手... [查看全文]

2016-03-11新研究表明:年轻人少熬夜 早睡的人更聪明!

  It might be difficult to get a good night's sleep the night before a big interview, but we all know it... [查看全文]


  小编导读:健康食品千千万,看看专家眼中营养价值被低估的食物有哪些?  Red bell peppers  红灯笼辣椒  When it comes to ... [查看全文]

2016-03-07美国文化:除了“超级星期二” 美国大选还有哪些“大日子”?

  美国总统选举可分为预选和大选两个阶段,根据传统,年初预选时,会有多个州集中在星期二进行选举,其结果对最终党内提名会产生重要影响... [查看全文]


  Experts have rated Shanghai's junior high schoolteachers among the world's most qualified, thanksto their... [查看全文]

2016-03-04由于饮食模式的变化 中国正面临日益严重的二恶英致癌风险

  The Chinese are facing growing cancer risk fromdioxin due to changes in their dietary patterns overthe past t... [查看全文]


  Most men and women feel that a dinner bill shouldbe split down the middle, but with women onlymaking 79 cen... [查看全文]


  It doesn’t look like much, but this tattered piece of clothing found buried in an ancient Egyptian ceme... [查看全文]