我们经常听到人们会频繁地说,thank you谢谢,excuse me不好意思或是bless me / you!我的天哪!也经常会被问How are you?你好吗?... [查看全文]
Shaping a Shepherd of Catholics, From Argentine Slums to the Vatican新书披露教皇方济各究竟是一个怎样的人The most contr... [查看全文]
A Town, if Not a Painting, Is Restored一幅修复失败的耶稣画像如何拯救了一座城After an 83-year-old widow and amateur pa... [查看全文]
Goodbye, Nation. Goodbye, Blowhard Self.再见了,扣扣熊报告For nine years, Stephen Colbert has relentlessly maintained ... [查看全文]
The Wrong Dog一只没人愿意领养的狗The woman walked up and down Main Street carrying a beautiful 5-month-old black La... [查看全文]
这首歌最初在1984年为了衣索比亚的飢荒灾民而唱,而今年找来了One Direcion, Ed Sheeran, Ellie Goulding, Chris Martin, Bono 等... [查看全文]
Confronting an Ugly Killer一个我们曾经讳莫如深的健康杀手My maternal grandmother lives in my memory as two distinct im... [查看全文]
Among the English, gossip about one’s own private doings is reserved for intimates; gossip about the private... [查看全文]
It began humbly[1] and rose to great heights over the course of 150 years. Our story begins in London in 1780... [查看全文]