感恩节必备的主食就是烤火鸡大餐啦!听起来复杂、但其实这道美食很容易做,现在就跟一起来看看吧!Ingredients所需材料* 1 (18 pound) wh... [查看全文]
Eat and be merry填满美味与欢乐的感恩节Thanksgiving is almost here! It’s celebrated on the fourth Thursday in N... [查看全文]
英语交流非常重视,或者说是非常重要的一个环节就是肢体语言。英语中有一句谚语是这样说的 :Actions speak louder than words。... [查看全文]
在脑海里,西雅图这个名字最熟悉的地方就是由汤姆.汉克斯主演的《西雅图不眠夜》印象最深。没想到西雅图的咖啡文化也这么出名。有机会... [查看全文]
《饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟》将于今日(11月21日)在北美影院全线上映,小编在此为您盘点《饥饿游戏3》原著中的经典语录。1. Better not to giv... [查看全文]
Stephen King Goes to the Rescue of JFK斯蒂芬·金的穿越小说In all of Stephen King’s work there is an admixtur... [查看全文]
The Life of a Pot Critic: Clean, With Citrus Notes美国的第一位大麻评论家Jake Browne was seated in a yellow suede ... [查看全文]
Major Gain For Women In Church Of England英格兰国教新规允许女性担任主教LONDON — The Church of England overturned ce... [查看全文]
Israeli Television’s Surprising Global Reach以色列成为美剧的创意中心Israeli television’s global success story... [查看全文]
Pooh Illustrations to Be Auctioned维尼熊插画和《哈利·波特》赠阅本将拍卖How many honey pots could a silly old bear fi... [查看全文]