The Restaurant Dishes Come to Your Door技术助高品质外卖15分钟送达The options for people who have no time to cook a... [查看全文]
犯罪现场:美国的动物法医实验室At about 12:45 A.M. on April 10, 2013, a man named Song Shen Zhen entered the United... [查看全文]
研究发现使用不规则短信用语或可提升儿童英语能力据BBC报道,最近进行的一项研究发现,即使儿童在发短消息时使用不正规的拼写和语法,这也... [查看全文]
'Embarrassment(尴尬)', 'occasionally(偶尔地)' and 'necessary(必要的)'等词被评选成为英国人觉得最难拼写的... [查看全文]
中国学生往往意识不到,在用英语进行表达的同时,还伴随着体态语言。英语中有一句谚语是这样说的 :Actions speak louder than wo... [查看全文]
非尝不可的八大巴西美食When visiting Brazil for the World Cup, soccer fans will be able to seize the chance to try... [查看全文]
英文姓氏的起源Describing a personal characteristic 描述个人特点有些本身为形容词的姓氏一般都是来源于描述某个人的外号。这些姓氏... [查看全文]
In Wales, a Toast to Dylan Thomas on His 100th Birthday威尔士向诗人迪伦·托马斯的百年诞辰致敬Down the footpath from ... [查看全文]
Bruce Springsteen: By the Book读哲学书的摇滚巨星斯普林斯汀The musician and author of the new picture book Outlaw Pet... [查看全文]