Wise Words From Four Funny New Autobiographies四部喜剧演员自传中的欢乐语录Andrea Martin, Amy Poehler, Martin Short and... [查看全文]
French Culture Minister’s Prosaic Reading List Draws Criticism法国文化部长竟然不读书?PARIS — In France, the cou... [查看全文]
1. Originally, you had to dance for your "treat."1、原先在被招待前,你是需要来一段精心排练的演出的。2. Halloween is mor... [查看全文]
We all know that Britain and the US are two countries connected by a common language. But in fact, the differe... [查看全文]
Hotel workers depend on tips to augment their usually small salaries. Rather than being annoyed at having to... [查看全文]
各国间的文化差异巨大,我们自个儿行得通的礼仪到了西方就是另一回事啦!今天我们就来通过三个场景,了解一下中外文化间的一些不同吧~~第一... [查看全文]
Drinking Alcohol the Wrong Way 饮酒礼仪 Where It's Offensive: Latin America, France, South Korea, Russia.... [查看全文]
在你遇到朋友、同事和新认识的朋友并和他们打招呼时,要某些话题可不能随便提起。下面一张社交场合可能引起侮辱和尴尬的语言表,对照看... [查看全文]
你和老外闹过笑话或者误会吗?中西文化差异会造成两方人对某些事情的态度和做法的不同。加强沟通,理解万岁。为了让你和老外轻松相处,... [查看全文]
没有比到一个每个人都说英语(论坛)的地方更容易提高你的英语水平了。你不仅能获得相当多的口语训练,而且你还能获得来不同来源的真实的... [查看全文]