1. Like a Fish Out of Water这个习语的意思是to feel completely out of place,也就是感到不自在。Bob always feels like... [查看全文]
We all know that Britain and the US are two countries connected by a common language. But in fact, the dif... [查看全文]
Men and women might wax lyrical about looking for someone who is kind, sensitive and funny. But a new study sh... [查看全文]
友谊赛 friendlyThe impressive nature of their 1-0 friendly win in Germany in March prompted critics to reassess t... [查看全文]
SweetorLame:好,坏美国年轻人常在口语中用到一些通感的方法。比如sweet,除了可以表示口感甘甜,也可以说sweetgirl——甜姐儿。但到美国... [查看全文]
They haven’t always been white. With a new exhibition on bridal gowns opening at the V&A, Lindsay Baker in... [查看全文]
Coffee can save your sight: StudyA daily cup of coffee can save your eyesight, scientists claim.科学家称,每日一杯... [查看全文]
you can you up(你行你上),no can no BB(不行就别瞎嚷嚷)。这句最新的网络流行语不仅在中国火热,更是受到了海外网友的追捧。近日,... [查看全文]
我们都知道,英国人总是在谈论天气,谈话的开始往往总是对天气的一番评论。那是不是英国的天气真的那么差劲呢?还是大家没话找话?又或是... [查看全文]
在英国待上一段时间后,就发现这里的老人家和国内非常不一样:在街上看到的老爷爷老奶奶们通常精神矍铄,穿着干净考究。不少老奶奶们甚... [查看全文]