Thanksgiving Celebrations In 1621, after a hard and devastating first year in the New World the Pilgrim's fall harvest was very successful and plentiful. There was corn, fruits, vegetables, along with fish which was packed in salt, and meat [查看全文]
The History of Thanksgiving in the USA The Thanksgiving holiday celebrated each November in the United States is known worldwide as an American custom. And Thanksgiving and gratitude have marked important milestones in American life for hun [查看全文]
The concept behind Thanksgiving ceremony celebration, held with a massive zeal in every nook and corner of U.S., is similar to the August Moon Festival in China, Tet Trung Thu in Vietnam, Succoth in Jew, Kwanzaa in Africa, Pongal in India a [查看全文]
Thanksgiving Day need not be a boring holiday for children where all they can do is to watch the cartoons and loiter about with friends. Find some entertaining and fun activities to keep them busy and are as enjoyable for them as Christmas [查看全文]
光棍节感言: 又是一年的光棍节来了!11月1日是小光棍节,1月11日和11月1日是中光棍节,11月11日是大光棍节。男光棍叫光光,女光棍叫明明,成了对的就叫双双。光棍节的吉祥物是4根 [查看全文]
恋爱婚姻总要两厢情愿。如果有人对你一往情深地告白,你却不感冒,该怎么拒绝才能把伤害减到最低呢 ? 下面的句子可以给你帮点忙。 1. I'm not attracted to you. 你不吸引我。 I'm not att [查看全文]
How To Propose 1 Find the right person. 2 Fall in love. 3 Know enough about your future in-laws to know if you should ask permission from them first. 4 Know enough about your beloved so you can create a meaningful experience. 5 Decide if yo [查看全文]
在西方大众的婚礼观念中一直有这样一句话: something old , something new , something borrowed , something blue . 翻译过来的含义就是:一些旧,一些新,一些借,一些蓝色蓝色是基督教的传统,寓 [查看全文]
万圣节又到了!以下鬼片你认为哪部最好? 《万圣节》副标题 《小岛惊魂》副标题 《女巫布莱尔》副标题 《午夜凶铃》副标题 《暮光之城》副标题 《月光光心 [查看全文]