College students dressed up for Halloween Traditional Irish Halloween mask (a rhymer or a vizor) from the early 20th century on display at the Museum of Country Life Children dressed up in Halloween costumes Traditional Halloween costumes o [查看全文]
纽约市的万圣节大游行 (Halloween Parade) 堪称是纽约格林威治村 (Greenwich Village) 的年度盛事 (annual event)。这个游行源于1973年,刚开始只是一位面具制作家 (mask maker) 兼木偶操作师 (puppetee [查看全文]
血腥心脏 眼球 骷髅骨架 有胃口吗 ? 哈哈 恐怖苹果 [查看全文]
声嘶力竭的糖 记得一个朋友说过,他被看着吃不下东西 木乃伊宝宝面包 恐怖与营养~ 这个恶魔蛋糕算是可爱派了 想到了中国过年时候的大馒头 左上角那个,打死我也不吃 沉默的羔羊 [查看全文]
鬼脸的蛋糕噢 蜘蛛网的蛋糕 带血的指头的三明治,(这是我明确告诉厨师我不吃的东东) 巫婆蛋糕 [查看全文]
国外风行已久的万圣节所营造的可怖气氛与惊悚情境,不过,你知道万圣节的由来吗?你知道为什么有这么多的人愿意把自己打扮成不可一世的恐怖经典造型,专门以吓人为乐吗? 其实,西洋的 [查看全文]
How to Celebrate Halloween? 1) Trick or Treat: The most popular form of celebrating Halloween is to go Trick or Treating. To Trick or Treating, kids will dress up like a monster or ghost or scary person, then go from house to house knocking [查看全文]
The Double Ninth Festival the ninth day of the ninth lunar month The Chong Yang Festival is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and it is as such known as the Double Ninth Festival. Origins: The festival began as early as [查看全文]
Double Ninth Festival The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival, or Double Ninth Festival. It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar. In an ancient and mysterious book Yi Jing, or The Book of Chang [查看全文]
万圣节又要到了,想变身万圣节女王吗?想在化装派对中闪耀于聚光灯下吗?快来看看怎样才能装扮出自己心目中最炫的模样吧. You Will Need: Creativity 创造力 An awareness of current events 时代前沿 [查看全文]