汉语说我爱你显得老土?英语说I love you显得普通?韩语说sharanghei拿不准发音?试试地球上其他的语言吧!小沈阳说,嘴一张一闭,一句... [查看全文]
1.腊八节 Laba is celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month, referring to the traditional start of celebrations for the Chinese New Year. La in Chinese means the 12th lunar month and ba means eight. Legends about the origin of [查看全文]
英语,代表西方的强势文化。作为世界性的大语种,它成了现代与文明的标志。有人跟风叫嚷:只要具备两条就是“现代文盲”,一,不懂英语;二,不会电脑。其实,文化所涉及的领... [查看全文]
这是一个充满无限可能的时代,也是一个网络推动的时代。岁末将至,盘点2009年中出现的每一句网络流行语,无一不与我们的生活息息相关;细读每一个网络流行语诙谐和无厘头的背... [查看全文]
姜汁饼是西方传统的圣诞节食品,很多美国人过圣诞节都会自己制作一个姜汁饼屋,但是恐怕哪家的饼屋都没有总统家的那么豪华吧。白宫所有的员工,从木匠,管道工到电工... [查看全文]
Little clayed figures are placed near the Christmas tree in Chile. This is referred as pesebre. Father of Christmas in Chile is Viejito Pasc... [查看全文]
欣赏更多圣诞内容 >> I'm Anne Marie Barton for me Christmas is really the best time of year, but it's what we do as families that... [查看全文]
The traditional meal in Australia during Christmas celebrations is the turkey dinner, pork and ham. Christmas plum pudding is one of th... [查看全文]
In Britain, Christmas Day is normally spent at home, with the family, and it is regarded as a celebration of the family and its continuity.... [查看全文]