Beautifully dressed small kids visit homes with beautiful gifts a week before Christmas day. Ringing of bell is become a custom. Villa... [查看全文]
"We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas…"Have you heard that song? Yup! It's Christmas time! This Christmas, I stayed... [查看全文]
On Christmas Eve, dinner starts with rice pudding. This rice pudding is comprised of a magical almond. Christmas recipe in Denmark also comp... [查看全文]
In Spain different set of gift-giving traditions exists. The holiday season extends to Jan. 6, known as Three Kings Day or the Epiphany.1 I... [查看全文]
Christmas celebrations start with the feast of St. Nicholas. Saint is accompanied with a devil. He asks small children about their goo... [查看全文]
There will be a huge Christmas Market in Hyde Park, too. It’s open from 22nd November all the way to 4th Jauary 2009, 10 am till 10... [查看全文]
The custom of sending Christmas cards started in Britain in 1840 when the first 'Penny Post' public postal deliveries began.... [查看全文]
英国女王2007年圣诞致辞 [查看全文]
An ancient tradition originating in Europe, a Yule log warmed the house during the cold Christmas night. It was ceremoniously... [查看全文]
圣诞节传统食物的英语词汇 苹果汁 cider 棒棒糖 lolly \lollipop 香宾 champagne 圣诞节曲奇饼 cookie 蔓越桔调味汁 spreading blueberry... [查看全文]