Cristmas dinner is the primary meal traditionally eaten on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. In many ways the meal is similar ... [查看全文]
圣诞布丁 1 圣诞布丁 2 [查看全文]
The Christmas party is an integral part of the celebration of Christmas. Christmas parties may include family, friends, coworkers, or co... [查看全文]
表示圣诞节期的Yuletide(圣诞季节)一词来源于yule log(圣诞柴),圣诞柴是指过去用作节日炉火主要燃料的大圆木。圣诞柴最早在19世纪引入,就像今天装饰常青... [查看全文]
圣诞花环-常青植物寓意上帝永恒 圣诞花环大多用新鲜草木编结而成,用以装饰门庭。所用到的植物通常都是四季常青的…… The Christmas wreath has decorated many ... [查看全文]
Christmas cracker,圣诞拉炮(圣诞爆竹),是西方人庆祝圣诞时不可或缺的一道风景。 据说1850年伦敦的一个糖果小贩制作了第一只圣诞拉炮。现在流行的圣诞拉炮是由硬纸制成... [查看全文]
The stars that appear in the sky today are the same ones that were there two thousand years ago. Was there a nova at the time of Jesus\... [查看全文]
圣诞帽 1 圣诞帽 2 [查看全文]
圣诞饰物 1 [page] 圣诞饰物 2 [page] 圣诞饰物 3 [page] 圣诞饰物 4 [page] 圣诞饰物 5 [查看全文]