1.brainwash : v. 对 进行洗脑 例如:Women have been brainwashed into thinking that they must go out to work in order to fulfil themselves。(妇女们被反复灌输的思想是:她们必须除去工作,才能实现自己的价 [查看全文]
1.bona fide: a. 真正的,真诚的 例如:The report should be made bona fide and without malice.(那报告应该是真实无诈的。) 2.bonfire: n. 野火,营火 3.booby trap: n. 1.恶作剧把戏 2.伪装地雷 4.boon: [查看全文]
1.Billiards: n. 台球 2.Billow: n. 1. 波浪般滚滚向前的东西(如烟、火等)2.巨浪,波涛 3.Binge: n. 狂饮,纵饮 例如:They went on a binge last night.(他们昨晚饮酒作乐去了。) 4.Bipartisan: a [查看全文]
Benevolence:n. 1.仁慈,慈善,慈悲2.善意,善行3.捐款 He did it out of pure benevolence.(他做那件事完全出于善意。) Benign:a. 1.和蔼的,慈祥的2.(肿瘤的)良性的 Bequeath:v. 遗赠,遗留 Hi [查看全文]
1. befit:v. 适合于,对适应 Maria's clothes befit the occasion. 玛莉亚的衣服适合这个场合 2. begrudge:v. 1.对不满2。 妒忌 Dont begrudge his just reward. (他的酬劳是应得的,你别妒忌。) We should not [查看全文]
1. Bandwagon: n. (尤指政治上或商业上的)潮流,浪头 2. Bane: n. 祸根,灾星 3. Banish: v. 1. 放逐,驱逐出境 2. 忘却,不去想 例句:He wasbanished to an uninhabited island for a year.(他被放逐到 [查看全文]
1. Babble: v. 含糊不清地说胡言乱语地说 The babies babbled as they played.(婴孩们一边玩一边咿咿呀呀地学说话。) 2. Baffle: v. 使困惑,使难倒,使受挫 The question baffled me completely and I coul [查看全文]
1.appraisal : n. 评定,鉴定 2.apprehension : n. 忧虑,恐惧 3.arbiter : n. 仲裁人,公断人 4.arbitrate : v. 仲裁,公断,裁决 例如:A committee was created toarbitrate between the management and the unions.( [查看全文]
1.anus : n. 肛门 2.apathy : n. 漠不关心,冷淡 3.apex : n. 定点,最高点 4.apiece : ad. 每个 例如:He gave the boys a shilling apiece.(他给男孩子们每人一先令。) 5.apoplexy : n. 中风 6.apparel : [查看全文]
1.anew : ad. 重新,再度 例如: Hes determined to begin his life anew . 他决心重新开始他的生活。 2.anguish : n. 极度痛苦,烦恼 例如: She cried out for anguish at parting. 分手时 , 她由于痛苦而失声大 [查看全文]