1.ambience: n. 气氛 2.ambivalent: a. (对事物等)抱有矛盾心情的 例如:I must have acquired ambivalent attitude towards women from her.(我对妇女的矛盾态度一定是从她那里学来的。) 3.ambush: n. 埋伏 [查看全文]
1.aggrieved : a. 1. 受委屈的2.愤愤不平的 2.agile : a. 敏捷的,灵活的 3.agitate : v. 1.鼓动,煽动2.使焦虑 例如:She was agitated because her train was an hour late. (她乘坐的火车晚点一个小时,她 [查看全文]
1.Aerospace: n. 航空宇宙 2.Affable: a. 友善的,和蔼可亲的 3.Affiliate: v. (指团体)加入(联合),使隶属,附属于 They affiliated themselves with the same political party.(他们加入了同一政党。) [查看全文]
1.Adorn: v. 装饰 词汇链接 Decorate:装饰,装潢 Ornament:装饰,点缀,美化 Array:1.排列,配置(兵力)2.打扮,装饰 Trim:1.修剪,整修2.削减3.装饰 Tart:把装饰地刺眼而俗气,把打扮地 [查看全文]
1 . Accompanist: n. 伴奏者,和奏者 2. Accredit: v. 1. 认为(某说法等)出自某人2. 委派 The discovery of distillation is usually accredited to the Arabs of the 11th century.(通常认为,蒸馏法是阿拉伯人在 [查看全文]
1)Abrasive:1.表面磨损的,损伤的2.粗糙的,极坏的 The CD is so abrasive that it doesnt work.(CD磨损的厉害,不能在用了。) If you criticize Pablo, he becomes very abrasive.(如果你批评帕布罗, 他就会 [查看全文]
1. Abacus:n. 算盘 They also learned to use the abacus.(他们还学习珠算。) 2. Abase:v. 使谦卑,使降低 The president is not willing to abase himself before the nation.(总统不愿在全国人民面前降低自己的威信。 [查看全文]
1. A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles Dickens. 2. Phonology: The study of speech sounds in language or a language with reference t... [查看全文]
it来自拉丁文itare=to go, to bring to go。 itinerary / ai5tinErEri, i5t- / n.行程,旅行路程 itinerant / i5tinErEnt / a.巡回的,流动的,(尤指为找工... [查看全文]
gener,gen,gent来自拉丁文generare =to produce,race,kind 。 gene / dVi:n / n.基因 gender / 5dVendE / n.1.性别 2.(语法中的)性 engender / in5dVZndE / ... [查看全文]