1.enfold : v.1. 围住,卷起 2. 拥抱 例如:The mother was enfolding her baby in her arms. (母亲把婴儿抱在自己怀里。) 2.engross : v. 使全神贯注 例如:He seemed completely engrossed in his book. (他好像完 [查看全文]
1.emend : v. 校订,修改(文稿) 例如:Many men are needed to emend this book.(修订这本书需要许多人手。) 2.emissary : n. 密使,特使 3.empathy : n. 1. 同情,同感,共鸣 2. 感情移入 4.empiricis [查看全文]
1.elude:v. 逃避,避开 例如:The two men managed to elude the police for six weeks.这两个男人想方设法逃避警方追捕达六个星期。 2.elusive:a. 1.躲避的2.令人困惑的易被忘记的 3.emaciated:a. 瘦弱的, [查看全文]
1.egoism: n. 自我主义,自私注意,利己主义 2.electrify: v. 1.使充电,使电气化 2.使激动,使兴奋 3.electrode: n. 电极 4.electrostatic: a. 静电的 5.elemental: a. 1.强劲的 2.基本的 6.elf: n. 小精 [查看全文]
1.Efface: v. 擦掉,抹去,消除 eg: The lapse of year will never efface that scene of ruin from my memory.(时光的流逝绝不会把那废墟的景象从我的记忆中冲淡。) 2.Effeminate: a. 娘娘腔的 3.Efficacy: n [查看全文]
1. eavesdrop:v. 偷听(私人谈话) You should not eavesdrop our talking.(你不应该偷听我们说话) 2. eccentricity:n. 古怪,怪癖 My wife has many eccentricities.(我老婆有很多怪癖。) 3. eclectic:a. 折中 [查看全文]
1.dollop : n. (食物的)一块,一团 2.domicile : n. 住所 3.dope : n. 1. 迷幻药,麻醉药 2. 呆子,傻瓜 4.dossier : n. 卷宗,档案 5.dote : v. 溺爱 They dote on their daughter.(他们把女儿视为掌上 [查看全文]
1.disparate : a. 无从比较的,异类的 Chalk and cheese are disparate substances.粉笔和乳酪是完全不同的东西。 2.dispensation : n. 1. 分配,分发 2. 生命,天道 3. 赦免 3.disposed : a. 1. 愿意的,乐意的 [查看全文]
1.discredit : v. 使不可置信,使丢脸 n. 丧失名誉 例如:The idea that the sun goes round the earth has long been discredited.(太阳绕着地球转的观念早已不为人们所信了。) 2.discreet : a. (言行)谨慎 [查看全文]
1.dilapidated : a. 倒塌的,破旧的 The building wore a dilapidated look.(这建筑看起来要倒塌了。) 2.dilate : v. 张大,扩大 Her eyes dilated with terror.(她吓得瞪大了眼睛。) 3.dilettante : n. 浮泛的涉猎 [查看全文]