1.gravitate:v. 1.(不由自主地)移向某人(某物)2.受某人(某事物)吸引 例如:Most visitors to New York gravitate to Times Square.(大多数来纽约的游客都被吸引到时代广场。) 2.gregarious:a. 1.爱交际的2.(动物)群居的,共生的 例如:These animals are highly gregarious.(这些动物非常喜欢群居。) 3.grievance:n 怨愤,气恼 4.grotesque:a. 怪诞的,奇形怪状的 [查看全文]
1.glutton : n. 贪吃者 2.gobble : v. 狼吞虎咽 例如:I gobbled down my breakfast and ran out of the house. (我狼吞虎咽地吃早餐就跑出屋子。) 3.goggle : v. 瞪大眼睛看 n. 护目镜,防水镜 例如:When Eva and Park announced that they divorced, I was so surprised that I goggled with no words.(当伊娃和帕克宣布离婚时 [查看全文]
1.gibber : v. 急促而无意义地说 2.gibberish : n. 胡言乱语 3.giddy : a. 1.晕眩的,头晕的 4.gill : n. 1.鱼鳃2.(人的)腮 5.gimmick : n. 引人注意的把戏,花招 6.glaze : v. 1.给上釉2.给装配玻璃3.(眼睛)变呆滞 例如:His eyes glazed over at the sight of her.(看到她时, 他的目光就变得呆滞。) 7.glean : v. (点滴地)搜集(情况等) 例如:From what [查看全文]
1.Gauge:n. 1.量具 2.规格,尺度 v. 1.测量 2.估计 例如:It's difficult to gauge one's character. (要判断一个人的品格是很困难的。) 2.Gaunt:a.... [查看全文]
1.Gabble: v. 急促而含糊地说 例如:Dont gabble, Lucy, I cant understand when you run your words together.(不要说得那么急,露西,你说话象连珠炮似的,我听不懂。) 2.Gag: n. 1.(阻止人讲话的)塞 [查看全文]
1. frostbite : n. 冻疮 2.froth : n. 1. (液体表面上的)泡沫 2. 浅薄空洞的想法 v. 起泡沫,冒泡 The play was amusing, but it was little more than froth.(这出戏还算有趣, 不过内容有些空泛。) 3.fu [查看全文]
1.fornicate : v. 私通,通奸 2.forsake : v. 遗弃,抛弃,离开 例如:He wasforsaken by his friends.(他被朋友们背弃了。) 3.forte : n. 长处,特长 4.forthwith : ad. 立即,马上 例如:The above are [查看全文]
1.eschew : v. 避开,远离 例如:A civilized leader must eschew violence.(文明领导人必须避免使用暴力。) 2.esoteric : a. 难懂的 例如:There are indications that his esoteric popularity may be ebbing. (有迹 [查看全文]
1.flurry : n. 1. 骤雨,阵雨(风、雪等) 2. 激动,慌张 3. 爆发,骚动 v. 使迷乱。使慌张 例如:Keep calm! Don't get flurried .( 镇静!不要慌。) 2.flux : n. 不断变化,变迁 例如:Events are [查看全文]
1.flamboyant : a. 1.华丽的,鲜艳的2.炫耀的,浮华的 例如:His clothes were ratherflamboyant for such a serious occasion.(他的衣着在这种严肃场合太浮夸了。) 2.fleck : n. 斑点,微粒v. 使有斑点 例 [查看全文]