negotiations / delegate / delegation / summit n. 峰会 charter n. 特许状,执照,宪章 promote peace促进和平 ... [查看全文]
military option军事解决途径动用武力 escalating tension逐步升级的局势 military coupe军事政变 forced from office被... [查看全文]
financial crisis金融危机 Federal Reserve 美联储 real estate 房地产 share 股票 stock market 股市 shareho... [查看全文]
■组织机构等专有名称 UNESCO=United Nations Educational,Scientific And Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织 IMF=... [查看全文]
absence from 缺席,不在e.g. His long absence from work delayed his promotion.他长期不上班,耽误了提升。absence of 缺乏... [查看全文]
目前不少同学已经开始了前期复习。那么,专四专八词汇如何复习?何时背单词?怎样背单词?如何选择单词书?本文针对这三个问题为考生答疑解... [查看全文]
1.spout:n. 1. 喷口2. 水柱v. 1.喷射2. 滔滔不绝 up the spout 在绝境中2. 怀孕的 2.sprint:v. 疾跑 He had tosprint to catch the bus.(他得猛跑一阵才能赶上公共汽车。) 3.spurious:a. 1. 不合逻辑的,谬误的2. 假的,欺骗性的 There are some spurious lines in this ancient poem, which were added later.(这首诗中有几行假托的诗句是后人加 [查看全文]
1.smug:a. 自满的,沾沾自喜的 例如:I reckon she has good reason to feel smug.(我认为她洋洋得意必有其缘故。) 2.snag:n. 1. 潜在的困难,意外的障碍 2. 尖利的突出物v. 绊住 3.snare:n. 1. 罗网,陷阱 2. 诱人上当的事物 v. (用罗网或陷阱)诱捕 例如:I used tosnare small birds such as sparrows.(我曾常用罗网捕捉麻雀等小鸟。) 4.snipe:v. 1. 伏击,狙击 2. 抨 [查看全文]
1.singe : v. 把 微微烧焦 n. 轻微的烫焦 The hot iron has slightlysinged the cloth.(热熨斗把布烫焦了一些。) 2.sinuous : a. 弯曲的,蜿蜒的 The river wound its sinuous way across the plain.(这条河蜿蜒曲折地流过平原。) 3.sip : v. 小口喝,抿 n. 一小口的量 Shesipped from her glass while the professor emptied it. [查看全文]
1.shred:n. 1. 碎片 2. 最少量,些微 v. 撕碎 2.shrivel:v. (使某物)萎缩,枯萎(因热、冷或干所致) Get thebulbs into the ground, or they will begin to shrivel.(把鳞茎种到地里,否则会开始干枯的。) 3.shun:v. 避免 He was a shy man whoshunned all publicity.(他是个怕羞的人, 总是避开一切引人注目的活动。) 4.shunt:v. 1. 使(火车)转轨 2.转移, [查看全文]