1. ineluctable:a. 不可避免的 Those war plans rested on a belief in the ineluctable superiority of the offense over the defense.(那些战争计划有一个信念为基础,即进攻必然比防守有利。) 2. inept:a. 1. 不擅长的,无能的2. 不合适的 He was an inept politician.(他是个无能的政客。) 3. infantry:n.步兵 4. infatuated:a. [查看全文]
1. incriminate:v. 牵连,控告 He had been forced to incriminate himself in cross-examinations. 他在盘问中被迫受到牵连。 2. incubate:v. 1.孵化 2.培养(细菌等),使繁殖 The time needed for the eggs to incubate is nine or [查看全文]
1. incentive:n.激励。鼓励 2. inception:n. 开始,开端 3. incessant:a. 不停的,连续的,不断的 This week there will be incessant meetings.(本周将会有接二连三的会议要开。) 4. incest:n. 乱伦 5. incinerate: [查看全文]
1. impotence:n. 无能为力,虚弱 2. impound:v. 依法没收, 扣押(某物);将(违章停放的汽车或走失的动物)暂存待领 例如:The vehicle was impounded as part of the police investigation.(这辆车作为警务调查的一部 [查看全文]
1.impersonate : v. 扮演,模仿 例如:I ought to be arrested for impersonating an officer.(我假冒警官应该被捕。) 2.impertinent : a. 粗鲁的 例如:Dont you get impertinent with me!(你竟敢对我无礼!) 3.impetuous : a. 轻率的,冲动的 例如:She revealed her feelings in impetuous displays of spending.(她冲动 [查看全文]
童鞋们注意啦:本期节目新加了10 个普通词汇,大家看看是不是都记住了呢?没有记住的童鞋也不要落后,现在记住还来得及呢~ 1.illegitimate :a. 1.私生的 2.非法的 例如:About 68 per cent of illegitimate births were jointly registered by both parents.(大约有68% 的私生子是由父母双方共同登记的。) 2.immobile : a. 固定的,不能移动的 例如:For a moment shock held h [查看全文]
童鞋们注意啦:本期节目新加了10 个普通词汇,大家看看是不是都记住了呢?没有记住的童鞋也不要落后,现在记住还来得及呢~ 1.hothead : n. 暴躁的人 2.housebound : a. (因病等)不能离家外出的 Though she disliked being housebound, she pampered herself too much to go out, so she was bored to death. Her sole distraction lay in more purch [查看全文]
童鞋们注意啦:本期节目新加了10 个普通词汇,大家看看是不是都记住了呢?没有记住的童鞋也不要落后,现在记住还来得及呢~ 1.hiccup , hiccough : n. 打嗝 2.hidebound : a. 守旧的,思想偏狭的 Its a very hidebound society and views anything new with suspicion.(是个非常保守的社会,对任何新事物都抱着怀疑的态度。) 3.hoard : n. 贮藏物,密封(物),存积 v. 囤积,贮藏 After the [查看全文]
童鞋们注意啦:本期节目新加了10 个普通词汇,大家看看是不是都记住了呢?没有记住的童鞋也不要落后,现在记住还来得及呢~ 1.hereto : ad. 关于此点 例如:The schedules hereto form an integral part of this agreement.( 附录是这个协议的重要组成部分。) 2.heretofore : ad. 直到此时,在此之前 例如: Heretofore, we sent out bills on the first of each month.(在 [查看全文]
童鞋们注意啦:本期节目新加了10 个普通词汇,大家看看是不是都记住了呢?没有记住的童鞋也不要落后,现在记住还来得及呢~ 1.henceforth : ad. 今后 例如:Henceforth I expect you to be punctual for meeting.(我希望你今后准时到会。) 2.henchman : n. 亲信,帮凶 3.henpecked : a. 惧内的,怕老婆的 例如:People refer the man who was afraid of his wife as hen [查看全文]