离世博只有不到1个月的时间,上海各项世博准备都在陆续启动。上海市委书记俞正声‎昨天就宣布全市在5.1假期的基础上再增加两天假期,并为每户居民提供免费交通卡,让市民... [查看全文]
David Beckham joining the Australian soccer team? A stapler sending tweets? It must be April Fools' Day. In keeping with tradition, media out... [查看全文]
'Hubble Bubble' tower will be icon of Olympic legacy 为迎接2012年伦敦奥运会,英国将斥资1910万英镑建造一座115米高的深红色塔形建筑,这座塔比纽约的自由女神像... [查看全文]
Spring has begun, and so has Japan's obsession with cherry blossoms. The pale pink blossoms or "sakura" are in full bloom, signaling that it... [查看全文]
导读:美联社3月24日报道,对中国的暴富一族来说,除了豪宅和跑车,最新的奢侈品就是藏獒。对那些想要在股票和房地产之外挥洒财富的人来说,藏獒正红极一时。。 China's lates... [查看全文]
导读:前日13时40分左右,山西中煤集团一建公司63处碟子沟项目部施工的华晋公司王家岭矿北翼盘区101回风顺槽发生透水事故。据前方传来的最新消息,经进一步核查,初步确认发生... [查看全文]
被视为丹麦象征的“小美人鱼”铜像近日从哥本哈根港口吊起并装箱,开始她的上海世博之旅。这将是“小美人鱼”铜像自落成以来第一次离开家乡,10月31日之前,她将暂时... [查看全文]
一名25岁的法国无业男子近日因非法入侵美国总统奥巴马的推特(Twitter)账号而被警方逮捕。据悉,这名男子还曾经试图入侵“小甜甜”布兰妮等名人的账号。据警方介绍,这名男... [查看全文]
Bin Laden threatens US over alleged 9/11 plotter Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden threatened in a new audio recording released Thursday to kil... [查看全文]
Loss and longing in Alice's wonderland At the end of Alice in Wonderland, Tim Burton's 2010 interpretation of Lewis Carroll's 19th century c... [查看全文]