编者点评:日本发明了一款会哭会笑的婴儿机器人,这种机器人名叫阳太郎,主要是让日本年轻人体验育儿乐趣。 An engineering student soothes Yotaro, a robot which... [查看全文]
世界上首款用残余巧克力做燃料,用胡萝卜、土豆淀粉和亚麻布等材料制成的F3赛车于近日问世。这款赛车最高时速可达135英里,能在2.5秒内起步加速至60英里,并且绝对... [查看全文]
据一位参与中国高铁项目的专家称,中国正在与17个国家协商关于建设亚欧高速铁路网络事宜,计划在十年内修建三条高铁线路贯穿南北,连通欧亚。届时,乘坐时速超过200英... [查看全文]
美国当地时间3月7日,第82届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖礼在美国洛杉矶举行,《拆弹部队》获得最佳影片、最佳导演等六个奖项,击败了同获九项提名的科幻大片《阿凡达... [查看全文]
2010年3月5日9时,十一届全国人民代表大会第三次会议在人民大会堂举行开幕会,国务院总理温家宝在会上做了政府工作报告。 Following are the highlights of Wen's Repor... [查看全文]
Interview: Education reform becomes hot topic Education reform is a hotly debated issues at this year's CPPCC session. Compared with country's... [查看全文]
THE misery of commuting is common to most of the globe. According to a recent survey of 11,000 people in 13 countries by Regus, a prope... [查看全文]
全美最悲惨城市 Cleveland has won the dubious distinction of being the most miserable city in the United States, according to a new poll。 据... [查看全文]
Dear Friends: 亲爱的朋友们: I wanted to wish you a very happy Chinese New Year as we enter the year of the Tiger, a year traditionally ass... [查看全文]
U.N.'s Top Climate Official To Resign The top climate-change official at the United Nations is leaving to become a private consul... [查看全文]