Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, the people of Asia, and all those around the world ... [查看全文]
CCTV Spring Festival Gala,tune in or tune out? WATCHING China Central Television’s (CCTV) Spring Festival Gala live on the Lunar New Yea... [查看全文]
Over the past eight years, I have had the pleasure of interviewing basketball star Yao Ming three times. I first sat down with him in 200... [查看全文]
Google计划在2010年全面停止对IE6等一些老版本浏览器的支持,现在已经正式向用户发出了通知信,以下内容为信件原文及翻译。 Dear Google Apps admin, ​ 亲爱的Goog... [查看全文]
美国最重要的当代作家之一、《麦田里的守望者》作者杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格,于2010年1月27日在新罕布什尔州的家中去世,终年91岁。麦田里的... [查看全文]
第一页:2010年奥巴马美国国情咨文演说英文原稿 下载:点击下载此文件第二页:2010年奥巴马美国国情咨文演说中文译稿 下载:点击下载此文... [查看全文]
More than 2-weeks after the earthquake in Haiti, miracles are continuing. A teenage girl was pulled alive from the rubble of a home ... [查看全文]
A hard economic landing for China, fiscal crises in developed countries and broad asset-price collapses are the biggest risks to global stabil... [查看全文]
2,500 leaders from business, government and civil society are in Davos for the WorldEconomic Forum Annual Meeting. The theme is a call to a... [查看全文]
从27日起至31日,瑞士小镇达沃斯又迎来第40届世界经济论坛年会,时值全球景气渐趋复苏,但不确定因素仍多,因此这场盛会将备受瞩目。 世界经济论坛主办方在其官方网... [查看全文]