一个由地球物理学家组成的团队很久以前就预测到这次发生在海地的7.0级破坏性地震。这场悲剧本来可以避免吗? By Cassie Rodenberg Published on: January 13, 2010 ... [查看全文]
As you probably know, Haiti was struck by a devastating earthquake last night. (海地当地时间1月12日下午)According to the latest estimates, over ... [查看全文]
From a distance, in the half-light of dawn, the city seemed restfully innocent. The sun peeked from behind a black mountain as women ambled... [查看全文]
For 48 frantic hours his parents had searched for their two-year-old son, digging with their bare hands among the twisted rubble of their co... [查看全文]
An image of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Celebrities have been calling for people to lend their support to those left homeless after the e... [查看全文]
2010年1月15日,日环食从非洲中部的乍得开始,跨过印度洋后,经过印度、缅甸等国家,最后进入中国。腾讯网届时在云南大理直播这一天象奇观。视频为:1月15日日环食奇... [查看全文]
Chinese look skyward for once-in-a-millennium eclipse by Xinhua writers Ji Shaoting, Chen Chuanlin DALI, Yunnan, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- Zhu Ju... [查看全文]
国内电视排头兵湖南卫视又有新动作,中国电视台的商业化和国际化又向前走一步。英国独立电视台(ITV)旗下子公司ITV Studios Global Enter... [查看全文]
An Australian couple have told their family of how they dug their way out of the rubble of their collapsed apa... [查看全文]