Tom groaned to the doctor in his school's hospital, "My arm hurts, my stomach hurts, my chest hurts, my nec... [查看全文]
Little Jackie's mother was on the telephone with the boy's dentist.I don't understand it,she complained... [查看全文]
A Sri一Lankian professor went to London on his sabbatical. After three months he was tired of English food and ... [查看全文]
An aesthetics professor’s grandson asked his grandfather,"grandpa,why did you say that all the false are ug... [查看全文]
A little boy knocked on the door of his classmate's house.小男孩在敲他同学家的门。When his classmate's mother... [查看全文]
A school leaver was being interviewed for a job as an office boy.一个中途辍学的孩子想当办公室勤务员,正在接受面试。"Yo... [查看全文]
John was going to leave the psychiatric hospital at last.His treat-went had been long and painful. He had been ... [查看全文]
Sam is at the airport waiting for his flight which leaves at 6:00. He has forgot ten wear his watch,so he lo... [查看全文]
The sir hostess was in the small kitchen at the back of the aeroplane preparing the trays for lunch when a li... [查看全文]
There was a small Kangaroo who was bad in school. He put thumb-tacks on the teach er's chair. He threw spi... [查看全文]