The Rich Man and the Poor Tailor富人和穷裁缝Once upon a time a rich man and a poor tailor lived in the same h... [查看全文]
Joe was a professional boxer and the strongest man in Hiplace.You should have seen him carry his mother-in-low i... [查看全文]
A young man has ,just got his driver's permit and wants to drive the car.一个年轻人考取了驾驶执照,想开家里的车... [查看全文]
The railroad station was jammed.Students from Lafayette College were crowding o nto the train platform eagerly awa... [查看全文]
A man walked into a doctor's examining room一个人走进一家诊所。A:Put out your tongue.伸出你的舌头。B:OK.好的。Then ... [查看全文]
My neighbor, the homebuilder came home drunk and managed to park in the garage,but injured himself when he knoc... [查看全文]
This story is about another five doctor who went duck hunting one day.These five doctors were a general practice... [查看全文]
The best physidans are Dr.Diet,Dr.Quiet and Dr.Merryman.最好的医生是:饮食得当,起居悠闲,身心愉快。Professor is handing o... [查看全文]
After Lemmas com ripens as much by night as by day.拉马斯节后,庄稼日夜成熟。A police officer in a small town sto... [查看全文]
On a special Teacher's Day,a kindergarten teacher was receiving gifts from her pupils. First, the florist's... [查看全文]