A man and his wife were cleaning out the attic when thehusband found an ancient receipt.一对夫妇正在清理阁楼,这时... [查看全文]
Out in the forest preserve, a man strolled up to the fisherman and asked whether he'd had any luck.在森林保... [查看全文]
Johnny divided a piece of pie into two pieces, kept the bigger piece for himself and gave the smaller piece to... [查看全文]
Mother got on the train with Little Johnny and Little Ronny.妈妈和小强尼、小罗尼一起搭乘火车。Little Johnny was full... [查看全文]
A: Help!! Im drowning!A:救命呀!!我溺水了!B: Dont worry! Just do exactly as I say and youll be fine!B:别担心!照我... [查看全文]
1. Jon: Hi, there... I'm Jon Arbuckle. I'm a cartoonist, and this is my cat Garfield.『大家好!……我叫姜?艾... [查看全文]
A Lesson in Philosophy哲学Why worry?何必忧虑呢?Really, you have only two things.to worry about-either you are sick ... [查看全文]
Wow!That's a Bi g One!哇!真是大得吓人One day a tourist walked into a Texas tavern and ordered a shot of whis... [查看全文]
There were four passengers in the small aircraft as it sputtered over the Andes; a businessman, an inventor, a ... [查看全文]
No Fooling!不要瞎混!"Please be gentle with me, darling," said the bride on her wedding night, "I'm a virgin. ... [查看全文]