Jack the playboy had explored every corner of the world and dallied with many women,花花公子杰克喜欢到世界各地探险,... [查看全文]
Down on the farm, Mom told Dad to fix the outhouse,某一农场上,老妈要老爸去修理茅房。Dad took a look at the shitte... [查看全文]
A newly deceased sinner had just entered hell, and was being shown around.一名罪人去世后,刚下地狱就被带往各处走走。"I... [查看全文]
Who Cut the Cheesee?谁在放屁?A young man was visiting his girlfriend's parents for the first time.有位年轻人第一... [查看全文]
Moe, Larry, and Curly were wandering in the Arabian desert when they were captured by a band of ferocious Bedou... [查看全文]
"Say, that's an interesting pair of socks you've got on, Charlie, one green and one red. "嘿,查理,你穿的... [查看全文]
Every morning on his way to work, a business man passed a house where he saw a woman beating her looy on the... [查看全文]
"Did you know I could tell time by the piano?" asked one friend of another.你相信我可以由钢琴知道现在几点钟吗?&rsquo... [查看全文]
When the door-to-door salesman rang the doorbell of the suburban home,当挨家挨户兜售东西的推销员按了一幢郊区房子的门铃后... [查看全文]
Two city folk were on a drive in the country, but gotcompletely lost.两个城市里的老兄在一条乡间小道上开车迷了路,Pulli... [查看全文]