Mrs. Fortesque was getting more and more worried.福特斯克太太越来越担心,Her husband had left for a round of golf ... [查看全文]
An old man sees a little boy sitting on a curb, crying.一位老人看见一个小男孩坐在路旁号啕大哭。"What's the matter... [查看全文]
A lawyer finds himself at the Pearly Gates at the same time as the pope.一位律师发现他和某教宗一起到达天堂的珍珠门,... [查看全文]
"For the last time, I don't want any insurance ! " said the harassed householder to the salesman这是最后一次... [查看全文]
The sergeant had just completed the morning inspectionof the troops.一位班长刚完成部队晨间检查。"Before I dismiss you,... [查看全文]
Two children were admiring the famous statue by Rodin entitled "The Thinker"."What do you suppose he is thinking... [查看全文]
Three rather deaf friends met on a street corner.三个听力问题很严重的朋友在街角碰面。"Windy today, isn't it?" said... [查看全文]
"Boy, have I got problems!" the man said to thepsychiatrist.乖乖,我真的有毛病了!一位老兄对精神病医生说道。"Go ahead an... [查看全文]
A woman was reporting to her husband about the events of the day.一位女士正滔滔不绝地向她先生诉说当天发生的事。"Oh, a... [查看全文]
The world's cheapest man finally went to the dentist to have his teeth fixed,一个非常吝啬的守财奴终于去牙科看牙齿... [查看全文]