Remember this? This is what an office looks like. During the pandemic, millions of people swapped their large op... [查看全文]
1.“首付款” 英语怎么说?很多人从字面上以为“首付款”就是第一次付的款,错了!down payment首付down = in cash,是我们在买东西时... [查看全文]
Sunday Punchpunch的意思是重拳击打,Sunday punch看似是“星期天重拳出击”,这够有欺骗性的吧。来看英语解释:Sunday punch means a... [查看全文]
Sunday best不是“星期天最好”,那这Sunday有什么特别的?先来看看它的英语解释:If you are in your Sunday best,you are wear... [查看全文]
Sunday driver可不能仅仅从字面上翻译为“星期天的司机”。其实这个表达正确的含义是指“不常开车的生手”。例句:I wish I could get... [查看全文]
Intelligent people are flexible and able to thrive in different settings.聪明的人具有灵活性,能够适应不同的环境。They u... [查看全文]
1. Because I said so! 因为是我说哒! 2. My mom used to scare me with this one: "Put on clean underwear! I... [查看全文]
You aren't intimate with them anymore 你们再也无法亲密相处 It's completely normal for a couple's sex life to ... [查看全文]
1 vaccination 提到疫苗,第一个想到的词一定就是vaccine了。 接种疫苗可以说administer the vaccine或者have the vaccine... [查看全文]
regimen/'redʒɪmən/ n.生活规则;养生之道;养生法 ▷Whatever regimen has been prescribed should be rigorously foll... [查看全文]