2010年5月20日13点14分,你有没有接到爱的表白呢?什么表白?这个时间连起来20105201314代表的可是“爱你要你,我爱你一生一世” 哦,别告诉我你不知道啊。所... [查看全文]
As companies' hiring freezes start to thaw, many laid-off individuals may see a chance to regain a position in their old companies. The odds... [查看全文]
杜拉拉职位一览: 秘书 Secretary 行政秘书 Executive secretary 销售总监秘书 Secretary to regional sales director 人事行政专员 HR E... [查看全文]
谢霆锋与张柏芝的次子于上周三晚8点多降生。前日谢霆锋公布了宝宝照片,并正式取名Quintus。Quintus是一个拉丁文的名字,它到底有什么含义和渊源呢? Origin 渊源 Quintus ... [查看全文]
. Can I ask you to set aside some time so that we could discuss my role and development? I'd appreciate your advice. 讨薪要心平气和,能找到... [查看全文]
• 听他们不喘气儿的把开场白说完,简单有礼貌的拒绝:"No, at this time I am not interested in your products/services" • 如果他们继续推销,你就... [查看全文]
“我什么也不记得了” 1、Yoba! 对啊。 Yoba 就是 Yes 的意思,比如: "Do you like to go swimming with us?" 我就可以回常,"Yoba!" 但是这不是正式... [查看全文]
母亲节即将到来,说起节日要送给母亲的花朵,不少人的第一反应可能就是康乃馨了吧。康乃馨的英语该怎么说?为什么母亲节要送康乃馨?不同颜色的康乃馨有什么不同的意义吗?一... [查看全文]
Teenagers on social networking site Bebo have created a secret language to stop adults knowing what they are up to, researchers say. ... [查看全文]
近日,韩国明星情侣张东健与高小英在首尔结婚,一时间引发媒体圈对于明星婚姻的又一轮热议。关于结婚marry(结婚)这一个正统的说法,还有很多丰富的表达,一起来... [查看全文]