Suri will live mostly with Holmes. (Splash News)Although Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes agreed to keep the details ... [查看全文]
It's been widely reported that Katie Holmes had been secretly planning to divorce Tom Cruise for some time b... [查看全文]
陈佩斯父亲陈强病逝老一辈电影艺术家、新中国电影事业的开拓者之一、著名演员陈强先生因病医治无效,于2012年6月26日21点38分在北京安贞医... [查看全文]
导读:克里斯汀·斯图尔特,美国演员,凭借《暮色》走红,但斯图尔特清丽迷人的气质没有改变,她依然是文艺小品爱好者心头最爱。今年欧美大... [查看全文]
英国另类摇滚女歌手Florence Welch◆ 弗洛伦斯·韦尔奇 (Florence Welch) 介绍:弗洛伦斯·韦尔奇 (Florence Welch) 是弗洛伦斯与... [查看全文]
Turf逆天神作!2分钟起的太空步直接看呆了,之后的表演足以让你下巴落地。而背后的辛酸成长史更是令全美观众为之感动。 [查看全文]
Jennifer Aniston ordered Brad Pitt to leave their Beverly Hills home after he admitted that he was in love with... [查看全文]
MadonnaA lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want.很多人... [查看全文]
Arguably one of the hottest couples in Hollywood was spotted biking together in the big apple!好莱坞争议颇大的明星... [查看全文]
13年前,电视剧《还珠格格》成为了90后一代成长历程中挥之不去的经典回忆。现今,继《红楼梦》之后,经典之作的翻拍( rehash)再次引起热议... [查看全文]