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Age hasn't wearied Australian soft rock duo Air Supply. They hit their highest notes in the '80s, but lead vocalist Russell Hitchcock and songwriter Graham Russell still take pleasure plying their art and hitting the road. 'A career should span a lifetime [查看全文]

2011-06-14贾斯汀谈"旧爱"布兰妮 称10年没联系

Candid: Justin Timberlake, pictured here in New York last week, has spoken about his past loves in a new interview with Vanity Fair They were pop's teen dream couple, but Justin Timberlake has revealed he not had contact with his former sweetheart Bri [查看全文]

2011-06-13朱丽赞皮特是纯爷们 首次爆未婚原因

Proof of their on-screen sexual chemistry was apparent in their 2005 film Mr Mrs Smith. But just in case anyone was in any doubt, Angelina Jolie has opened up about partner Brad Pitt, gushing about how he ticks all the right boxes. Angie, 35, who has [查看全文]

2011-06-13Gaga热辣装束出没星巴克 宣传新专辑

Naturally, a stop at a coffee shop demands nothing short of full on costume for Lady Gaga. The 25-year-old singer turned heads as she paid a visit to a local Starbucks in Los Angeles today, clad in a customary outlandish outfit. Never one to miss an oppor [查看全文]

2011-06-11Lady Gaga on "Germany's Next Top Model by Heidi Klum"

US singer Lady Gaga walks on the runway of the TV show Germany's Next Top Model by Heidi Klum in Cologne June 9, 2011. US singer Lady Gaga holds a note on the runway of the TV show Germany's next top model by Heidi Klum in Cologne June 9, 2011. US sin [查看全文]


这个圆周率歌不是葱娘那首经典版本哦,而是实实在在将3.14159这些数字对应成音符谱写的曲子~还蛮好听的哎!苦恼于数学的孩子可以在学习之余听听这首优美的钢琴曲~ WHAT does Pi sound like? Pretty good, actually. 圆周率听起来是什么效果?还真不错! To celebrate Pi Day the 14th day of the third month Canadian musician Michael Blake has set the mathematical [查看全文]


1. If Only 如果能再爱一次 Ian Wyndham (Nicholls) is a British Businessman who lives with his musician girlfriend, Samantha Andrews (Hewitt) in London. [查看全文]

2011-05-30女版Justin Bieber:Dani Shay演唱Baby 改编版

22岁女生Dani Shay长相酷似Justin Bieber,但是她其实并不知道这个当红的小正太,多次被人错认成是Justin Bieber后,她录了这段视频,自弹自唱改编版的《Baby》调侃自己的窘境。其实蛮期待这两个人 [查看全文]


1. Johnny Depp 约翰尼德普 His annual income is $75 million and his movies like Alice in Wonderland, Pirates of the Caribbean and many other were huge success. 德普年平均收入7千5百万美元,他主演的电影比如《爱丽丝梦游仙境 [查看全文]

2011-05-27布兰妮清新写真 素雅造型健康阳光(组图)

导读: 近日,小甜甜布兰妮斯皮尔斯登上《芭莎》封面,以一系列素雅造型出镜小露性感,写真中的小甜甜妆容清新自然,自信潇洒,尽展健康阳光。 A fabulous photo shoot and a great cover is a good sign for Britney Spears fans and the June issue of Harpers Bazaar does not disappoint. The Femme Fatale singer is about to embark on her [查看全文]