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2011-08-03《哈7(下)》票房突破10亿美元 再创影史吸金纪录

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2," the eighth and finale of the Harry Potter movies, is generatin... [查看全文]

2011-08-02囧娃变帅哥 纳威·隆巴顿成《哈利波特》最励志配角

10年,说长不长,说短不短,但是要让一个小囧娃长成一个大帅哥那是刚刚好的。以前看《哈利·波特》的时候看到那个脸胖胖、人傻傻的纳威会不会觉得有点煞风景?而在《哈7》最后一部中 [查看全文]

2011-08-01"吸金王"邓斯特登ELLE杂志 大聊情伤

She's a top Hollywood actress, has dated some of the world's most desirable men and she is about to sta... [查看全文]


在电影《翻滚吧!阿信》中,曾一度出演偶像剧(idol drama)的彭于晏,颠覆了以往大众情人的形象,转型为气质型明星。他挑战的新角色,上映... [查看全文]


China's biggest companies have begun an ambitious campaign to advertise themselves abroad, popping up in Hollyw... [查看全文]

2011-07-28Gaga生肉装 雷你没商量

Meat the man behind Gaga's most outrageous dress: Sergio Vigilato, animal preserver to the stars. The steaks ... [查看全文]


Inception 盗梦空间Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his partner Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) perform illegal corporat... [查看全文]


Friendship between women-the deep and secret friendship of 'sworn sisters' in Chinese society-forms the core... [查看全文]

2011-07-25英国27岁天才女歌手猝死 或因吸毒过量

British singer Amy Winehouse was found dead in her flat in London on Saturday.The police said the reason for th... [查看全文]


It was really hard getting peetimes for this movie but if I had to recommend one I'd say the the fallowing... [查看全文]