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2011-05-26第十季美国偶像冠军揭晓:90后歌手Scotty McCreery

第十季美国偶像冠军揭晓,是来自美国北卡罗莱纳州的乡村歌手Scotty McCreery,有波多黎各血统,1993年出生,也是美偶舞台上年龄最小的男性冠军。但声音低沉有磁性,一点没有想象中小男生的 [查看全文]


In a Chinese society that prizes modesty, Xu Jinglei, a successful actress, director and blogger, is not shy about trumpeting her victoriesor her natural talents. 'I'm prettysmartcuriousa fast learner,' she says matter-of-factly, sitting in her bare o [查看全文]


It was an unlikely and slightly surreal match during an otherwise somber trilateral summit in Japan: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met aging Japanese boy-band SMAP and asked them to sing him a tune during a visit to Japan, adding resonance to his calls for h [查看全文]

2011-05-24英国翻唱美女走红 中国宅男疯狂点击

英国女孩Jemma Pixie Hixon和其他歌手一样有着美好的明星梦,不过由于她患上轻微的恐慌症,所以两年内没有出过家门。不过上帝关上一扇门同时必定会打开一扇窗,Jemma 利用这两年的时间在家录制了个人翻唱视频,在网络上大红大紫,甚至获得中国宅男的最爱,得到几百万的点击支持。 现年20岁的Jemma 在宅男口中被称为精灵美女, 她以翻唱碧昂斯,蕾哈娜和布兰妮等大牌明星的歌 [查看全文]


第64届戛纳国际电影节5月22日晚落幕,美国影片《生命之树》在竞赛单元的20部影片中脱颖而出,夺得最高奖金棕榈奖。下面就来看看本届戛纳电影节的完全获奖名单。 金棕榈奖 Palme d'Or (Golde [查看全文]

2011-05-23Lady Gaga与麦当娜是远亲 9代前同源

Ever since she burst on the scene with her brand of pop and provocative outfits, Lady Gaga has forever been compared to the queen of the music scene, Madonna. 自从Lady Gaga依靠着招牌音乐和怪异着装大红大紫那天起,她就一直被拿来和麦当娜相比较。 The similarities between the two divas have been [查看全文]

2011-05-21《奥普拉脱口秀》宣布停播 粉丝依依不舍

On Wednesday, after 25 years of priceless moments, The Oprah Winfrey show will come to an end and legions of loyal viewers are in a state of sad disbelief. 本周三(北京时间本周四)在播出了25年之后《奥普拉温弗瑞脱口秀》将会走到终点,大批忠实的观众们都觉得这个事实难以令人相信。 I've been watching Oprah for the last [查看全文]


Titanic is sailing back into theaters around the world April 6, 2012. 《泰坦尼克号》将会在2012年4月6号重新驶进电影院的大荧幕。 James Cameron's movie is getting rereleased in 3D via Paramount Pictures, 20th Century Fox and Ligh [查看全文]


Stars and fans bid farewell to Oprah 奥普拉告别秀星光云集 导读: 日前,黄牌节目《奥普拉秀》录制了最后一集。告别秀上可谓明星云集,奥普拉几乎与每一位明星都是感情深厚,现场更是高潮不断, [查看全文]


The CW has renewed One Tree Hill and Nikita and pulled the plug on Hellcats. CW电视网宣布续订《篮球兄弟》和《尼基塔》新季,《地狱猫》则悲剧被砍。 Long-running CW soap One Tree Hill had been expected to come back for a ninth season already, so the news comes as no huge surprise. Most of t [查看全文]