Mr. Posh Spice a.k.a David Beckham and his son Brooklyn were in a car accident yesterday on the 405 freeway in Los Angeles. 昨天Posh Spice也就是我 [查看全文]
Prince William's bride-to-be Kate Middleton, whose sartorial style will be closely scrutinized by fashionistas once she's officially a princess, is already getting credit for bringing one style stateside -- the precariously-perched feathered fascinator. 英 [查看全文]
The filmmakers behind the war-on-terror drama The Hurt Locker are moving forward with an action thriller about the hunt for Osama bin Laden. 有消息称,反恐题材电影《拆弹部队》的剧组目前正在筹划拍摄一部有关追捕本拉登行动的动作片。 Director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal have had the bin [查看全文]
Mariah Carey may want to stop singing about her baby, and start singing about her babies, plural. The 41-year-old songstress gave birth to twins on Saturday afternoon in Los Angeles, the Associated Press reported. 玛利亚凯莉以前歌里面总是有很多baby baby的,说不定以后要唱的就是复数的ba [查看全文]
Archbishop to Prince William: William Arthur Philip Louis, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony? 大主教:William Arthur Philip Louis,根据上帝神圣的旨意,你是否愿与这名女子缔结婚姻关系,共同生活? Wilt thou lov [查看全文]
15时直播威廉王子大婚 英伦童话午后上演 威廉今日大婚,2011年4月29日北京时间18:00-19:00为您直播威廉王子的盛大皇室婚礼,敬请期待! 直播观看地址: 其他相关视频: 威廉王子和未婚妻参加婚礼彩排: 英国威廉王子与未婚妻凯特首次公开亮相: [查看全文]
It's not the type of welcome most wedding guests expect before they get into church background checks, ID verificationand a security sweep. 大多数参加婚礼的宾客都不希望在进教堂前受到如此接待接受背景审查、身份认证,还有安全扫描。 But then again, Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding on Friday [查看全文]
威廉王子皇室婚礼流程安排: 8.15am - 9.45am: The general congregation will arrive at the Great North Door of Westminster Abbey. 教堂会众抵达威斯敏斯特教堂北门。 From 9.50am: Governors-general and prime ministers of realm countries, the diplomatic corps and other distinguished guests a [查看全文]
Guess who're coming to royal wedding of Prince William Kate in UK? 猜猜谁会参加威廉王子和凯特的皇室婚礼? 导读:威廉王子和凯特的婚礼将于2011年4月29日举行,如此备受瞩目的婚礼都会有哪些人来参加呢?下面就让我们来猜猜婚礼嘉宾名单吧! Britain's Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip smile as they arrive for the Grand Launch the Royal Insti [查看全文]
Time magazine has revealed the Time 100 for 2011, the magazine's eighth annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world, which includes Canada's biggest pop star, one of America's biggest TV stars... and a Gossip Girl-turned-big screen leading [查看全文]