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  What makes you happy all the time? What do you do when you feel like having a bad day?  什么能让你一直拥有... [查看全文]


  Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. L... [查看全文]


  I Wanted to Change the World  我想改变世界  By Byron Pulsifer  ——拜伦·普尔西弗  Change is one of the to... [查看全文]


  One of the most inspiring quotes I ever heard regarding perseverance was by Brian Tracy. He said: The differ... [查看全文]


  人生莫待绽放 Don’t Wait for Life to Start  There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions... [查看全文]

2014-07-28英语美文欣赏:珍视自我价值 学会适时说不

  After I had my second child, I wanted to show my boss I could handle anything. I said yes to coming back... [查看全文]

2014-07-27父亲节英语诗歌:You Never

  You Never  你不曾  You never said "I'm leaving"  你不曾说过:我将离开。  You never said "goodbye"  你不... [查看全文]


  Ever heard the statement less is more? Is that a reality in your life or is that an area you are struggli... [查看全文]

2014-07-27谈一场恋爱 如同读一本新的书籍

  Starting a new book is a risk, just like falling in love. You have to commit to it. You open the pages k... [查看全文]


  When I do count the clock that tells the time  And see the brave day sunk in hideous night,  我数着报时的... [查看全文]