Starting a new book is a risk, just like falling in love. You have to commit to it. You open the pages k... [查看全文]
Sometimes I forget why I'm doing, what I'm doing. 有时候我忘了为什么我在做,我在做什么。 Have you ever... [查看全文]
Born to wommand 天生即为帅才 Born to wommand .It is a secret force of superiority not to have to get on... [查看全文]
The color green is natural for trees and grass. But it is anunnatural color for humans. A person who has a... [查看全文]
关于获得成功 On Achieving Success---海明威 We cannot travel every path. Success must be won along one line. ... [查看全文]
There is that in me--I do not know what it is--but I know it is in me. Wrench'd and sweaty--calm and... [查看全文]
And as to you Death, and you bitter hug of mortality, it is idle to try to alarm me. To his work wit... [查看全文]
What IHave Lived For Threepassions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longingfor l... [查看全文]
[1]We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more degrees, but le... [查看全文]
How can we trust love, and be sure it will last? We gave our hearts to others, many times in the past.... [查看全文]