People need homes: children assume their parents’ place as home; boarders call school "home" on weekdays; ma... [查看全文]
Finding a partner and settling down has long been convention in many countries. New data, however, suggests that... [查看全文]
1.If you can make a reasonable living doing what you love, DO WHAT YOU LOVE. You may not get rich, but you&rs... [查看全文]
人生如旅程Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despa... [查看全文]
You’re young once only. How do you make the most out of it instead of wasting time only on the unnecessa... [查看全文]
Do not wait 爱,永远禁不起等待Don’t wait for a smile to be nice不要等到了一个笑容才面露慈善Don’t wait to ... [查看全文]
VIRTUE is like a rich stone, best plain set; and surely virtue is best, in a body that is comely ,though not... [查看全文]
REVENGE is a kind of wild justice; which the more man' s nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it o... [查看全文]
TRAVEL, in the younger sort, is a part of education, in the elder, a part of experience. He that travelleth in... [查看全文]
VIRTUE is like a rich stone, best plain set; and surely virtue is best, in a body that is comely ,though not... [查看全文]