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2014-05-18泰戈尔《新月集》第19期:纸船 PAPER BOATS

  DAY by day I float my paper boats one by one down the running stream. 我每天把纸船一个个放在急流的溪中。  In... [查看全文]

2014-05-18泰戈尔《新月集》第18期:雨天 The rainy day

  SULLEN clouds are gathering fast over the black fringe of the forest. 乌云很快地集拢在森林的黝黑的边缘上。  O c... [查看全文]

2014-05-17泰戈尔《新月集》第17期:流放的地方 The land of the Exile

  MOTHER, the light has grown grey in the sky; I do not know what the time is. 妈妈,天空上的光成了灰色了;我不... [查看全文]

2014-05-17泰戈尔《新月集》第16期:仙人世界 Fairyland

  IF people came to know where my king's palace is, it would vanish into the air. 如果人们知道了我的国王的宫... [查看全文]

2014-05-17泰戈尔《新月集》第15期:金色花 The champ flower

  SUPPOSING I became a champa flower, just for fun, and grew on a branch high up that tree, and shook in th... [查看全文]

2014-05-17泰戈尔《新月集》第14期: 云与波 Clouds and waves(双语赏析)

  MOTHER, the folk who live up in the clouds call out to me-- 妈妈,住在云端的人对我唤道——我们从醒的时候游戏到白... [查看全文]

2014-05-17泰戈尔《新月集》第12期: 玩具 Playthings(双语赏析)

  CHILD, how happy you are sitting in the dust, playing with a broken twig all the morning. 孩子,你真是快活呀... [查看全文]

2014-05-16泰戈尔《新月集》第11期:审判官 The Judge(双语赏析

  11.THE JUDGE 11 审判官 THE JUDGE  SAY of him what you please, but I know my child's failings. 你想说他... [查看全文]

2014-05-16经典英语散文:Five Balls Of Life

This was written by the CEO of Coca-Cola Brian G. Dyson.It was used as Georgia Tech's Commencement Address:Im... [查看全文]

2014-05-16泰戈尔《新月集》第10期:责备 Defamation

  Why are those tears in your eyes, my child? 为什么你眼里有了眼泪,我的孩子?  How horrid of them to be always... [查看全文]