We often close ourselves off when traumatic events happen in our lives; instead of letting the world soften us,... [查看全文]
《灰》Dust杨林By YANG-Lin Tr. East Sea Fairy你一直低矮下去,直至接近一粒尘,You keep lowering down, and down, till you... [查看全文]
Why do some people move from one level of success to the next in live while others seem to be stuck in the ... [查看全文]
I Loved YouAlexander PushkinI loved you; and perhaps I love you still,The flame, perhaps, is not extinguished; ye... [查看全文]
大海拥有珍珠,夜空拥有星星;可是我的心,我的心,我的心拥有爱情。大海无边,蓝天无垠,更为宽阔我的心灵;比珍珠、星星更加美丽,闪烁、辉... [查看全文]
Iago Prytherch his name, though, be allowed,Just an ordinary man of the bald Welsh hillWho pens a few sheep in... [查看全文]
My Father's Music我父亲的音乐by Wayne Kalyn韦恩•凯林I remember the day Dad first lugged the heavy accordion... [查看全文]
I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a freight yard in Atlantic City and ... [查看全文]
我的父母之乡张培基 译清晓的江头,白雾茫茫;是江南天气,雨儿来了——我只知道有蔚蓝的海,却原来还有碧绿的江,这是我父母之乡!《繁星15... [查看全文]
简介《如果生命可以重来》,是作者意识到自己将死于癌症时写下的一首朴素真挚的小诗。它告诉我们,对于一个即将离开这个世界的人来说,这个... [查看全文]