在美国,弗罗斯特广泛受其人民的尊敬。在他的一生中,他曾四次获得美国享誉最高的普利策文学奖。Acquainted with the night 黑夜的知己... [查看全文]
The optimism all saw in each time the danger to the opportunity, but the pessimistic person all saw in each op... [查看全文]
A gentle breeze blew through Jennifer's hair. The golden red sun was setting. She was on the beach, looking... [查看全文]
沃特·雷利Walter Raleigh(1554-1618),英国伊丽莎白时代的宫廷诗人。沃特·雷利出生在德文郡。曾经在牛津大学就读,参加过法国宗教战争,... [查看全文]
Some time ago, Sofan and I were visiting some friends in the country. We were staying a beautiful little guest... [查看全文]
To me, it was supposed a fine day. The sunshine in May warmly embraced the earth in her arms. It was already... [查看全文]
The lockless door不锁之门It went many years,But at last came a knock,And I though of the doorWith no lock to lo... [查看全文]
如梦令Ru Meng Ling昨夜雨疏风骤,浓睡不消残酒。试问卷帘人,却道海棠依旧。知否?知否?应是绿肥红瘦。ast night the rain was scat... [查看全文]
Favorite It is the ninth year of Yonghe (A.C.353), also known as the year of Guichou in terms of the Chinese ... [查看全文]
思念时而甜蜜,时而忧伤,思念的人也在思念自己时,即使相隔万里,仍能感受彼此的气息,假如那个人已经忘了自己,又将是淡淡的忧伤。I wan... [查看全文]