Li Sao is a Chinese poem dating from the Warring States Period, largely written by Qu Yuan (340 BC - 278 BC)... [查看全文]
My heart's in the Highland my heart is not here,My heart's in the Highland a-chasing the deer;Chasing the... [查看全文]
There are no stars tonightBut those of memory.Yet how much room for memory there isIn the loose girdle of soft... [查看全文]
The same leaves over and over again!They fall from giving shade aboveTo make one texture of faded brownAnd fit ... [查看全文]
It’s the anarchy of povertyDelights me, the oldYellow wooden house indentedAmong the new brick tenements贫穷的... [查看全文]
Your children are not your children.They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.They come ... [查看全文]
The river is famous to the fish.鱼儿熟知河流。The loud voice is famous to silence,which knew it would inherit the... [查看全文]
鱼的记忆只有7秒,7秒之后它就不记得过去的事情,一切又都变成新的。所以在那小小的鱼缸里它永远不觉得无聊,因为7秒一过,每一个游过的地... [查看全文]
中字:月下独酌李白花间一壶酒, 独酌无相亲;举杯邀明月, 对影成三人。月既不解饮, 影徒随我身;暂伴月将影, 行乐须及春。我歌月徘徊... [查看全文]
Now the most important and sad thing during the whole county is the earthquake happening in qinghai province y... [查看全文]