Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger: Gemini is the trickster of the Zodiac. It’s all about information, co... [查看全文]
We spoke with astrologer and Game of Thrones fan Annabel Gat, who writes monthly horoscopes for Broadly a... [查看全文]
水逆是什么?水星是罗马神话中的信使之神,掌管信息的传递、交流。水星逆行时,人的思维与思考方式都会受到影响。2016年逆有四个周期,也是... [查看全文]
十二星座英文及含义牡羊 Mar. 21 - April 19Aries the Ram is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the... [查看全文]
Virgo is well-suited to any career in which thoroughness, attention to detail, and efficiency are required.处女座的... [查看全文]
星座(Zodiac Sign)是占星学(astrology)中必不可少的组成部分之一,也是天上一群群的恒星组合(constellation)。人们用星座来分析性格,每个... [查看全文]
星座是西方人的传统性格分析,也是聊天的好谈资。赶紧来学一些实用的聊星座口语吧!也许哪天就能用上呢?1. What's your sign?你是什... [查看全文]
There are certain things that help you understand someone – their favorite food, what their favorite movies... [查看全文]
PISCES and ARIES:双鱼-白羊:You are far too sensitive for the aggressive Ram.You will be left behind to drown in... [查看全文]
感情丰富的天秤座父母喜欢有礼貌、感情充沛的小孩。天秤座的父母虽然也会管教孩子,但很少惩罚,久而久之,所有的训诫自然被当作耳边风了。... [查看全文]