If you're one that was born between the dates of August 23-September 22 then you're considered a Virgo. ... [查看全文]
Aries 白羊(Mar. 21- April 20)Yours is the most impatient sign of all, Aries, so naturally, whatirritates you most... [查看全文]
1. Aries1. 白羊座You got: The United States你适合居住在:美国You’re independent, energetic, passionate, and drive... [查看全文]
VIRGO - The Perfectionist处女座-完美主义者Dominant in relationships. Conservative.两性关系中占主导地位。保守。Always wants... [查看全文]
01.One Sweet Day 甜蜜的一天--MariahCarey ; BoyzIIMen 所属星座:双鱼座 双鱼座的人天生多情又浪漫,所以说爱情在双鱼座... [查看全文]
白羊Aries Assertive = 武断 Risk-taking = 爱冒险 Independent =独立 Easily-angered =易怒 Strong-willed =意... [查看全文]
白羊座男生 Charles-男子汉,有男子气概的 Mark-战争之神 Bill-勇悍的卫士 Vincent-征服 William-强有力的战士或保卫者... [查看全文]
THE BRIGHT SIDE Although they often get a bad press astrologically, Scorpios have very intensepersonalities1 wi... [查看全文]
THE BRIGHT SIDE At their best, Cancerians are sensitive, kind and sympathetic with an urge tonurture1 and car... [查看全文]
1. 巨蟹座——陌生女人,茨威格《一个陌生女人的来信》 一个男人在他四十一岁生日时收到一封陌生女人的来信,信中讲述了她卑微... [查看全文]