十二星座绝妙英语口头禅ries' key phrase: I Am!白羊:我是!Taurus' key phrase: I have!金牛:我有!Gemini's key p... [查看全文]
12星座去哪里寻找真爱?CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)It can be hard for you to let down your guard, Capricorn. You... [查看全文]
白羊座Aries 21/03-20/04Adventurous, energetic, pioneering, courageous, enthusiastic, confident, dynamic and quick-witted.... [查看全文]
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)Once the Capricorn has tried something and it works you tend to stick to it - it... [查看全文]
Famous Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung developed the concept of the animus to better understand the inner masculine... [查看全文]
Aquarius 水瓶座 (1月21日~2月19日)Ruled by shocking Uranus, Aquarius is very much epitomes the planet that inspires ... [查看全文]
Aries: garnet白羊座:石榴石Taurus: diamond金牛座:钻石Gemini: agate双子座:玛瑙Cancer: moonstone, pearl巨蟹座:月长石、... [查看全文]
01 One Sweet Day 甜蜜的一天-- Mariah Carey;Boyz II Men所属星座:双鱼座双鱼座的人天生多情又浪漫,所以说爱情在双鱼座人的生命... [查看全文]
Aries 白羊(Mar1. 21- April 20)Yours is the most impatient sign of all, Aries, so naturally, what irritates you m... [查看全文]
Aries: black, orange, red白羊座:黑色、橙色、红色 Taurus: beige金牛座:米色 Gemini: blue, green双子座:蓝色... [查看全文]