Game of Thrones fans know that author George R.R. Martin has revealed at least the basic outline for his bo... [查看全文]
After its record-breaking debut last weekend, Straight Outta Compton once again topped the box office, bringing... [查看全文]
举起小爪吧! 嘎嘎现身《美国恐怖故事:旅店》现场。来自现场的新剧照中,她身穿桃红色长裙,戴着银色金属手套。我们最近得知,这位... [查看全文]
Taissa Farmiga’s characters in American Horror Story have been through some pretty weird stuff. But maybe... [查看全文]
梅琳达·梅(Melinda May)特工和安德鲁(Andrew)度假后回到神盾局,但她可能不会停留太久。 本季中,留在神盾局还是重建个人生活对梅... [查看全文]
Reboots, remakes, and long awaited sequels lean heavy on nostalgia. It's not uncommon to see a few winks... [查看全文]
Disney releases an official synopsis from Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, and confirms Orla... [查看全文]
《尖叫女王》(Scream Queens)无疑是这个秋季档最受关注的新剧之一,这不是没有理由的!Fox的恐怖元素和喜剧王牌混搭,来自《美国恐怖故... [查看全文]
美国知名脱口秀主持人乔恩•斯图尔特(Jon Stewart)主持的最后一期《每日秀》在美国当地时间8月6日晚上演。这位被中国观众戏称作囧... [查看全文]
Elena (Nina Dobrev) might be gone on The Vampire Diaries, but that doesn’t mean Damon (Ian Somerhalder)... [查看全文]