Expect to see Walder Frey again before Game of Thrones concludes.希望在《权力的游戏》结束之前能再见到瓦德·佛雷。While ... [查看全文]
日本著名演员高仓健于2014年11月10日因淋巴癌去世,享年83岁。高仓健因出演《追捕》而风靡中国,拥有无数女性影迷。那些年,在中国观众心中... [查看全文]
Newlywed Jennifer Aniston has another reason to celebrate. The actress, 46, has signed a $5 million deal to appe... [查看全文]
The Mindy Project fans won’t need to wait long to watch Mindy Lahiri (Mindy Kaling) give birth in Season ... [查看全文]
The time has come for Pretty Little Liars to answer the burning questions — some that have been around since ... [查看全文]
At the end of Fantastic Four, the team is relocated to a remote laboratory to continue working on a cure for ... [查看全文]
The Harry Potter franchise’s run may have ended a little over four years ago, but that doesn’t mean ... [查看全文]
《碟中谍5:神秘国度》由曾与阿汤哥合作《侠探杰克》的克里斯托夫·迈考利执导,《钢铁侠3》编剧德鲁·皮尔斯操刀剧本,执导过《碟中谍3》... [查看全文]
Uproar in Heaven《大闹天宫》Produced by Shanghai Art Film Studio from 1961 to 1964 and released by French company... [查看全文]
《权利的游戏第五季》杀死泰温后,瓦里斯带着提利昂一同踏上了逃亡之旅,并为他指引一位明主。红毒蛇的情妇艾拉莉亚决定携女儿们为其报... [查看全文]