在《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)又播出了极具争议性的一集后,原著作者马丁大叔又有话要说了。 让 珊莎(Sansa)嫁给拉姆斯(Ram... [查看全文]
从第一季到现在,珊莎·史塔克(Sansa Stark)在《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)中的故事线一直是最艰难困苦的。直至第五季季中,最... [查看全文]
It’s become conventional wisdom thatCannesmeans zilch whenit comes to Oscar. But is it true?戛纳得奖,就无缘奥... [查看全文]
Taylor Swift's mega-selling "1989" album has earned her a nomination for top artist at the 2015 Billboard Mus... [查看全文]
Australians really do have a unique brand of humour. We enjoy self-deprecating digs, send-ups of our own stereoty... [查看全文]
奥利弗·奎恩(Oliver Queen)淡出《绿箭》画面——至少暂时是这样。第三季收尾时,又有新的弓箭手加入到队伍中来。西娅(Thea)接受了罗... [查看全文]
自从漫威漫画世界要出女雷神,粉丝们一直热切盼望得知更多的消息——原来,女雷神其实是我们熟悉的面孔。 女雷神是简·福斯特(Jane... [查看全文]
1.) The voices of the members of Tony Stark’s Iron Legion all belong to James Spader, the voice of Ultron... [查看全文]
ABC台的秋季剧排期没什么大变化,周四晚依旧是珊达大妈(Shonda Rhimes)专场,周三晚的喜剧播出时间也没变,《与星共舞》(Dancing wit... [查看全文]
时间过了一个月,《权力的游戏》第五季已经过半,这五集播下来如温吞白水,进展持续缓慢。想想这一个月来,各位主角都干了啥,我来流水... [查看全文]