《生活大爆炸》( The Big Bang Theory )霍华德·沃洛维茨( Howard Wolowitz )的小弟弟要来拜访啦! 《娱乐周刊》( Entertai... [查看全文]
劳里·梅特卡夫(Laurie Metcalf)和克里斯汀·芭伦斯基(Christine Baranski)将在本月回归《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory),也... [查看全文]
据外国媒体报道,《吸血鬼日记》(Vampire Diarie)女主角妮娜-杜波夫(Nina Dobrev)宣布退出该剧,将在第6季终结时离开。她已与剧组举... [查看全文]
大白接受《今日美国》专访 萌萌的大白俘获了万千观众的心,也接到了各种采访邀约。《今日美国》就对大白进行了独家专访。在采访中,萌化... [查看全文]
14位电影人的一分钟表演 《纽约时报》找来包括娜塔莉·波特曼、马特·达蒙、迈克尔·道格拉斯在内的2010年最出挑的14位演员,让他们独自... [查看全文]
AMC has released a first look promo for its new TV series- "Into the Badlands."AMC发布了新剧《穷山恶水》的首款预告。... [查看全文]
Check out Nikki Reed and Ian Somerhalder flashing big smiles while surprising a business class at Emory Universit... [查看全文]
很显然,迪士尼公司在真人化经典动画片的路上越走越远,改编之路根本停不下来。问题并不在于迪士尼会不会拍真人版的经典动画,而是在于... [查看全文]
On Friday afternoon, Robert Kirkman revealed the title of the anticipated Walking Dead spin-off would be... Fear ... [查看全文]
The name of "The Walking Dead's" forthcoming companion series officially is "Fear the Walking Dead."《行尸走肉》... [查看全文]