1. Meryl Streep picked up her 19th nomination. Her nod for Into the Woods is the most for any actor, male or... [查看全文]
A small town in North Yorkshire, England, has gained notoriety in Asia after Taiwanese pop star, Jay Chou, held... [查看全文]
Congratulations go out to Robin Wright and Ben Foster!恭喜Robin Wright和Ben Foster!The couple is engaged, Wright'... [查看全文]
1、《新闻编辑室》 烧脑关键词:艾伦(微博)•索金、媒体人、茶党 《新闻编辑室》的编剧和制作人艾伦•索金,在不少骨灰... [查看全文]
经过漫长的冬歇,2015美剧春季档终于回归了。比起上一个乏善可陈的秋季档,今年春季档剧集不仅数量不落下风,质量和题材更是有过之而无... [查看全文]
Actress Emma Watson is set to receive a makeover as a Disney princess after landing the role of Belle in the ... [查看全文]
When a director’s style remains entirely consistentwith each successive film, it’s only natural that you... [查看全文]
《好莱坞报道》圆桌会议(Hollywood Reporter Roundtables)日前邀请颁奖季几部热门影片的男主角座谈,畅谈演员生涯的感悟和在电影行业中经... [查看全文]
South Korea's four-time Olympic swimming medallist Park Tae-hwan has failed a dope test, local media reported ... [查看全文]
X-Factor may be a part of Fox’s future.FOX电视台打算开发《X战警》。Fox entertainment chairman Gary Newman confir... [查看全文]